Cheeky Food Events

An Unforgettable Night of Culinary Delights and Charitable Cheer with Optus Leadership!

Monday, April 22, 2024

Recently, at the chic Radisson Blu Hotel on Pitt Street, Sydney, we whipped up a feast that sizzled with fun and gourmet glory for none other than the Optus leadership team. It wasn't just any dinner; it was a four-hour culinary carnival where tastes and tales were as sparkling as the evening itself!

The Menu: A Cheeky Twist on Gourmet

The evening kicked off with a masterfully cooked beef adorned with a zesty salsa verde, setting a spirited tone right from the start. As the plates cleared, a traditional German potato salad made its way to the table, blending creamy textures with a tangy kick that had everyone reaching for seconds.

The showstopper of the night was the flambé chicken, served amidst a flurry of flames that brought oohs and aahs from around the table. This dish wasn't just a treat for the taste buds but also a feast for the eyes! Accompanying this spectacle were beans topped with crumbled blue cheese and a drizzle of balsamic glaze, adding a sophisticated touch to the rustic charm.

Sweet Ending with a Twist

No cheeky feast could end without a dessert to talk about, and our deconstructed lemon and raspberry cheesecake was just the dish to do the trick. It was all about playful textures and tangy bursts of berry, paired with the smooth, tart lemon that had everyone spooning down to the last crumb.

A Touch of Heart

Adding a layer of heartfelt warmth to our culinary extravaganza, we also provided 30 meals to the Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Women's Shelter. It’s not just about feeding the few but nourishing many, echoing the leadership spirit of Optus.

With a mix of cheeky charm and gourmet flair, the evening was not just a dinner but a delightful journey that made the Optus leadership team’s gathering truly spectacular. Here’s to many more such nights of fun, food, and philanthropy! Cheers!

To book your own event contact Cheeky Food Events now!